From the HumanCard Dashboard, click on “Team” and then select “Templates.”
To create a new template click on “Add Template” and select if you’d like to start from scratch or use an existing member card as a starting point.
Below are the sections of a Template that you can customize:
Choose a template name.
Upload a profile picture, cover photo, or company logo.
If any of these are left empty, it will allow the user to set it themselves.
Adjust the company name, location, and bio.
Add links to your template:
Add Link with a single value (previously Default Link): This link will have the same value across all members assigned to the template.
Ex: office address, company Linkedin.
Add Link with a unique value per member (previously Unique Link): This link will allow you to have a different value for each member assigned to the template.
Ex: Each member's mobile phone, social media, personal Linkedin.
With each unique link, you can also choose whether members can or cannot edit that link.